All Aboard Ohio is a non-profit, member-based organization dedicated to promoting improved public transportation and passenger rail service throughout the state. We do this by advocating for the establishment, improvement, and maintenance of a robust transportation system, including expanded choices, enhanced mobility, and increased access.
Passenger Rail
Our organization brings 50 years of experience in passenger rail advocacy to the table. With a network of subject matter experts on our board, staff, and volunteering for us, we are able to study potential corridors and expertly assess rail policy for Ohioans and the news.
Public Transportation
We do not just want to see more passenger rail, but expanded bus, light/heavy rail, and paratransit services. We believe that linking these services will expand mobility for millions in Ohio and improve their quality of life. All Aboard Ohio works to expand transit options and often connects with membership and the public about why there should be more public transit.
Infrastructure and Policy
Our staff and board have been trusted by Ohio’s lawmakers for their insight and guidance on rail policy throughout the state. Whether it has been state supported routes or long distance routes spanning the entire country, our experts have provided testimony at the Statehouse to guide the direction of passenger rail in Ohio.
For reporters looking to cover All Aboard Ohio or the work we do, we have created a kit with our logos, fact sheets, social media pages, and headshots of board and staff.

Mail Address
3136 Kingsdale Center,
#112 Columbus, OH 43221